Wednesday, January 20, 2010

It's been a loooong time...

...since I posted last. I know. I'm sorry.

It would be stupid to try and recap everything that's happened since my last post, so I'll sum up:

1) I moved to NYC (Brooklyn to be exact, Bushwick to be more exact.)
2) I'm working part-time at The School at The International Center of Photography (from here on out to be referred to solely as ICP) in the equipment department.
3) I'm struggling to get freelance assisting and digital teching work, but it's been nearly nonexistent thus far.
4) I have a foster cat, Puck. He's pretty rad.
5) I'm trying to score some wedding photography gigs for this summer and fall, to help pay the bills.

Well, to be fair... I haven't actually started working at ICP. I start in t-minus nine hours, actually. Which reminds me, I should get to bed!

I haven't been shooting much; I shot two weddings in the fall of 2009 for friends and actually had a lot of fun with it. Not enough fun to make me want to pursue wedding photography full time, but enough fun that I think I could manage a handful of them a year.

Going with the whole "The best camera in the world is the one in your hand" theory I've decided to start sharing some of the billions of pictures that I take with my iPhone. Disclaimer: I DO use a 'post-processing' app on most of these. It's just more fun! I love Camera Bag, especially the Helga (read as: HOLGA) effect, and Old Camera... although with the latter I wish it had the option to pull an image from your camera roll instead of only using new captures. But I digress...

This iPhone picture love is in part spurred by the current Adorama iPhone Photo Contest. The 'celebrity' judges include my good friend Joe McNally, Moose Peterson, Scott Kelby, Syl Arena and others. I'm definitely going to enter at least a few images, including these two that I shot of my former roommate Emily at Lake Cochiti in New Mexico:

I've got more under my belt, but I'll save those for another post. ALSO, with my new blogging app on my iPhone I'll be able to share as I shoot, which is *so* cool.

I hope that everyone is doing well and keeping afloat. In the summer of 2007 I overheard Greg Heisler say "Survival is the new success."

Hope everyone's survivin'!

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